Contact me in Santa Rosa, CA 95404, at [email protected]. Text me at 707 217 3066
This image of me is an old 'school' picture taken almost exactly 11 years ago when I was working as a counselor at an elementary school on one of the beautiful Marine Bases in Virginia. It's a must that all school personnel come out annually to have their 'school' photos taken along with all the children, young and old that we serve. As always I was one of the last of the school house adults to be rounded up for the great opportunity to have a full set of 20 'school pictures' to do what with I don't know. As I approached the 'school photo' taking station (which was like no other I had ever seen with all of it's lights, umbrellas, and back drops) one of the two young female Marines who were our photographers that day back in 2013 approached me. She asked if I had any "special requests". A smile lit up my face and rolling across my tongue and out my lips came "yes, I want you to make all of the wrinkles and lines go away and no more gray hair" to which the two young Marines and I burst into hysterical laughter.
"School pictures" are special. They usually chronicle our lives capturing what we look back at and perceive to be absolutely the worst moments ever caught on film. That is until we get really old. Every year I gave a small 'school' photo to my husband, the teenager still in me hoping it would find it's way into his wallet. And, of course every year I always gave the giant one to my kind mother, who lovingly swapped it out for last year's version still framed and on her bedroom dresser. And, I have to admit that those lovely Marine female photographers DID fix ALL of my lines and wrinkles and they recolored my gray hair. And, they gave me this great story. The punch line is this: When I gave my kind mother her new larger than life 'school photo' of me, fresh and without the blemishes of aging showing, she looked up at me and back at the 'school photo' and asked "Why did they air brush your face like that?" Only a mother! Hugs. Lois
"School pictures" are special. They usually chronicle our lives capturing what we look back at and perceive to be absolutely the worst moments ever caught on film. That is until we get really old. Every year I gave a small 'school' photo to my husband, the teenager still in me hoping it would find it's way into his wallet. And, of course every year I always gave the giant one to my kind mother, who lovingly swapped it out for last year's version still framed and on her bedroom dresser. And, I have to admit that those lovely Marine female photographers DID fix ALL of my lines and wrinkles and they recolored my gray hair. And, they gave me this great story. The punch line is this: When I gave my kind mother her new larger than life 'school photo' of me, fresh and without the blemishes of aging showing, she looked up at me and back at the 'school photo' and asked "Why did they air brush your face like that?" Only a mother! Hugs. Lois